SVD150 White

Of The Divine Word

“Your Light Must Shine Before Others”

(Mt 5:16)

Faithful and Creative Disciples in a Wounded World.

Liturgy of Thanksgiving
See the Liturgy on YouTube

In the series of interviews promoted by the Generalate Media Department, Fr. Anselmo Ribeiro spoke about the context of the mission in the PANAM Zone, its main challenges, the wounds that need healing and the light that the SVD mission shines. Also in a direct way the General Councilor speaks of his experiences in the last six years, as well as the joys and personal challenges he has encountered.
Finally, Ribeiro expresses his vision of what to expect from the XIX General Chapter and its fruits for the next six years.

Reflections on the Theme
of the 19th General Chapter
16 Videos
Documents of the 19th General Chapter SVD 2024
Faithful to the Word No6

[The document available
only for registered members!

On the Way to the 19th General Chapter
9 Videos

MEX: A milestone commitment for the migrants’ welfare

Join us in watching this compelling video that captures the essence of fraternity and compassion. The MEX province takes you on a journey to Casa Santa Martha in Chiapas, where over 85,000 migrants have found hope for a brighter future in North America.

Witness the heartfelt interactions between migrants and the dedicated members of SVD, SSpS, and their collaborators. Although words may fall short, the images in this video speak volumes about the language of love that permeates every moment. 

Experience the power of open hearts and selfless gestures in this touching tale of commitment. Take advantage of immersing yourself in this poignant story of solidarity and compassion. Watch now and be inspired to embrace the spirit of love and acceptance.


Reports for the XIX General Chapter form the Provinces, Regions and Missions. Click on the proper icon to obtain the .pdf file.

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Reflecting upon the call to live our missionary vocation in a wounded world, we find both hope and challenge in the theme “‘Your Light Must Shine Before Others’ (Mt 5:16): Faithful and Creative Disciples in a Wounded World.” As each General Chapter in the history of the SVD has invited us to deepen the understanding and integration of our identity, mission, charism, and spirituality, once again we find ourselves in a privileged moment of being invited to go deeper in our reflections on God’s activity among us as we respond to the feedback provided by the provinces/regions/missions (PRMs) and SVD lay partners based on the initial reflection guide and begin to identify some of the learnings and directives contained therein. This Second Reflection Guide attempts to offer a synthesis of our previous reflections and create a space for the ongoing communal discernment of creative and innovative ways so we can go forward in carrying out our mission.

[The document available only for registered members!]

For points 1 and 2:

For points 5 and 6 [song for the Chapter]

Discover the official hymn for the 19th General Chapter, composed by Cireneu Kuhn, SVD, and performed by Conjunto IR AO POVO. Inspired by ” Your light must shine before others” (Mt 5:16), it reflects our mission as committed disciples in a challenging world. Listen, translate and share your renditions with us at Let us join hands in celebrating music and unity!

Reflecting upon the call to live our missionary vocation in a wounded world, we find both hope and challenge in the theme “‘Your Light Must Shine Before Others’ (Mt 5:16): Faithful and Creative Disciples in a Wounded World.” As each General Chapter in the history of the SVD has invited us to deepen the understanding and integration of our identity, mission, charism, and spirituality, once again we find ourselves in a privileged moment of being invited to go deeper in our reflections on God’s activity among us as we respond to the feedback provided by the provinces/regions/missions (PRMs) and SVD lay partners based on the initial reflection guide and begin to identify some of the learnings and directives contained therein. This Second Reflection Guide attempts to offer a synthesis of our previous reflections and create a space for the ongoing communal discernment of creative and innovative ways so we can go forward in carrying out our mission.

Let us keep alive the spirit of the prayer of the 19th General Chapter!
It is crucial because it unites us and guides our missionary journey. Let’s pray in our own languages and let’s seek the guidance of Saints Arnold Janssen and Joseph Freinademetz, who lead by example.

As the General Chapter approaches, let us pray together to understand its significance for our mission for the next six years. Continue to pray and tune in to the General Chapter Prayer, available in:

We thank You, O Triune God,
You give light, you are light, you inspire light
We contemplate with our Founder St. Arnold Janssen:
“How merciful is God’s love that has opened the light of my eyes
and now I should enlighten others as well.”

Illumine us to recognize the wounds that need healing,
inspire us to be faithful in our vocation and
creative disciples in our mission.

As we prepare for the next General Chapter,
accompany us in our journey together.
Bless every member of our Arnoldus family.

Blessed Mary, Mother of the Word,
help us to deepen our commitment to Jesus your Son
who asks us:
Your light must shine before others.

Te damos gracias, Dios Uno y Trino,
Tú das luz, eres luz, inspiras luz
Contemplamos con nuestro Fundador San Arnoldo Janssen,
«Cuán misericordioso es el amor de Dios que ha abierto la luz de mis ojos.
y ahora debo iluminar a otros también».

Ilumínanos para reconocer las heridas que necesitan sanación,
inspíranos a ser fieles en nuestra vocación y
a ser discípulos creativos en nuestra misión.

Mientras nos preparamos para el próximo Capítulo General,
Acompáñanos en nuestro caminar juntos.
Bendice a cada miembro de la familia Arnoldina

Santísima María, Madre del Verbo,
ayúdanos a profundizar nuestro compromiso con Jesús tu Hijo
que nos dice:
Tu luz debe brillar delante los demás.

* ATTENTION: use your credentials from the previous svdcuria!

Circular Letters are available only for SVD registered users!
