
Of The Divine Word

Identity - Mission - Testimony

The Society of the Divine Word is founded on 8th September 1875 by St. Arnold Janssen at Steyl, Netherlands.

Worldwide, it consists of nearly 6000 members, working in 79 countries having 59 provinces, regions and missions. The Generalate is situated in Rome. This is the sixth largest male religious congregation in the Catholic Church in the recent years and the first largest “ad gentes” male congregation.

Interculturality plays a key role in our living and missions. This is intentionally promoted and nurtured in the missions. As a missionary congregation, prophetic dialogue remains a paradigm to continue our missionary activities. These are designated by four characteristic dimensions: Biblical Apostolate, Mission Animation, Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation and Communication. Formation and Spirituality play important role to be effective missionaries today. We commit to witnessing the Reign of God through prophetic dialogue marked by four characteristic dimensions.

The Society works with the direction of “His (Divine Word) is our life, His mission our mission.” The orientation of the Society has been to proclaim the word of God to all, to build communities of the people of God, to reach the unreached, to put the last first, to search for new ways of doing mission and so forth. For us, the Society of the Divine Word missionaries, “our name is our mission.”