
Of The Divine Word


Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation

“The poor have a privileged place in the gospel. In a world deeply scarred by injustice and inhuman living conditions, our faith calls us to recognize the presence of Christ in the poor and the oppressed. We thus commit ourselves to fostering unity and justice and to overcoming egoism and the abuse of power. We consider it our duty to promote justice according to the gospel in solidarity with the poor and the oppressed”. (Co.112)

The Eighteen General Chapter in 2018 reminds us of the care for the environment is not only part of our mission, but also of our heritage. (G.C. 44)  

SVD Missionaries collaborate with Missio Dei in 79 countries. There are many initiatives to respond to the cry of the poor and the cry of the earth: education and shelter for poor children, empowerment of women and girls, community building, housing projects, medical care for the poor, pastoral care to migrants and refugees, victims of the human trafficking, advocacy work to defend the rights of vulnerable and marginalized people, participation in the Laudato Si Action Platform, etc.


Our mission is to bring healing to a wounded world as faithful and creative disciples of Jesus, who was not indifferent to the social issues of his time. The SVD Missionaries like the Good Samaritan use their time, energy, and resources (spiritual and materials) to bring about the transformation of the world according to the desire of God who wants that all creatures have abundant life.

Our mission is to bring healing to a wounded world as faithful and creative disciples of Jesus, who was not indifferent to the social issues of his time. The SVD Missionaries like the Good Samaritan use their time, energy, and resources (spiritual and materials) to bring about the transformation of the world according to the desire of God who wants that all creatures have abundant life.
