

During my recent visit to the three provinces in India (INC, INE, and INH), I was very impressed with the commitment of confreres to promoting justice, peace and integrity of creation (JPIC) related issues. There are centers to address the rights of women and children, organize the waste pickers, accompany the refugees, give a home and treatment to the leppers and HIV-infected children, train the differently-able people, promote awareness for the care of the earth and others. The council members and I gather similar experiences when doing the visits and general visitations in the PRMs. Of course, a lot more can be done. But we can proudly say that we, as a Congregation, are living our commitment to respond to the cry of the poor and the cry of the earth. (…)

Fraternally in the Divine Word,
Fr. Paulus Budi Kleden, SVD and Leadership Team