

In its meeting of April 28, 2023, Fr. Superior General, with the consent of his Council, appointed Fr. Wojciech Szypuła of the KEN Province as the new Generalate Biblical Apostolate Coordinator of the Society of the Divine Word ad finem sexenium 2018-2024, effective May 1, 2023.

Fr. Wojciech Szypuła will take the place of Fr. Marek Vaňuš, who has been appointed Provincial Superior of the SVK. Wojciech will exercise his office from the place where he is currently assigned, i.e. from the KEN Province.

Fr. Wojciech comes from Poland. His formation was carried out in Poland (novitiate and philosophy) and USC (theological studies), where he was ordained priest in 1999 in Techny. He did his OTP in BOT, he has worked in Zambia and South Africa, was coordinator of the Bible Apostolate of the BOT (2011-2014), the KEN (2014-2018) and the AFRAM (2013-2016-2019). He holds an S.T.D. in Biblical Theology from the Gregorian University in Rome. He currently teaches Biblical Studies at Tangaza University College in Nairobi, Kenya, where he also serves as Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Theology.

We congratulate Fr. Wojciech Szypuła on his new appointment. We wish him all the best as he carries out his new task at the Society of the Divine Word service worldwide. We thank him for his willingness to take on this commitment in the spirit of fidelity to the Word and unity with the people.