
Of The Divine Word

Second International SVD Lay Partners workshop kicks off with enthusiasm

The Second International SVD Lay Partners Workshop: February 18 to March 2

The Second International SVD Lay Partners Workshop started on February 18th with a clear focus on its goals and activities. Thirty-eight lay partners from 21 countries, representing 25 PRMs, are participating. Among them, 25 are women, and 13 are men, covering all four Zones.

The workshop commenced with a Mass led by Fr. Paulus Budi Kleden, Superior General, followed by an opening talk on “The World Today and the Lay Partners” by Fr. Budi and a discussion on “SVD Mission and Laity” by Fr. Stanislaus Lazar SVD, General Mission Secretary.

Participants are delving into various topics related to the Society and its missionary work. Importantly, they aim to understand their role as SVD lay partners and explore ways to collaborate with the Society in fulfilling God’s mission. Throughout the workshop, they learn about the activities of other groups through formal presentations, fostering lively interactions and a spirit of mutual learning and understanding.

Here are some post workshop comments:

We always worked in heterogeneous groups of six or seven people, sharing topics such as faith, activity in our territory, formation, and the challenges of our environment. Above all, we experienced the motto: May the Holy Triune God Live in our Hearts and in the Hearts of all People, the multicolored beauty of the Universal Church.
Fr. Budi Kleden, SVD, celebrated the inaugural Mass and gave a talk, and Fr. Jose Antunes da Silva, SVD, celebrated the concluding Mass and gave us a “Mission Cross.” I had the honor of being part of this Workshop. Isabella Gargiulo (Italy)

It was a great workshop and very informative. I enjoyed every bit of the sessions. Everything was planned perfectly, conducted excellently, and in a very straightforward and advanced way, with good speakers who communicated clearly, explicitly, and with concrete examples. Besides, I was also pleased with the excellent pace and use of time. Grace Akinyi (Kenya)

 All participants at the Workshop presented their groups’ work in a 15-minute presentation. Each group is unique and based on their region’s socio-economic, geo-political, and religious fabric, and are at various stages of formation and growth. The presentations showcased the love for the missions and the spread of God’s Word through the promotion of vocations, bible sharing recollections, and retreats. They are involved in activities ranging from care of creation to uplifting the poor through soup kitchens, feeding the hungry, providing local assistance in natural calamities, and assisting the SVDs in their social outreach programs. Some challenges faced include declining membership and youth involvement and the need for more support and mentoring by a Spiritual Animator. Anne Luis (Mumbai, India)

I traveled to the Workshop of SVD Lay Partners in Nemi, Like St. Peter – when he stepped on the water to go to Jesus. I did not know what would happen in two weeks, but I believed that it would be something good, guided by the Holy Spirit. Arriving and getting to know the participants from all over the world and then experiencing the working methods of the Holy Spirit together, I was filled with endless joy and gratitude that the kingdom of God is truly among us! Strengthened in the new World Community and filled with the SVD spirit, I can continue our common mission with which Jesus has entrusted all of us. Thank you! András Szlávik (Hungary, Permanent deacon)

I cherish, value, and appreciate the attention I received during my stay at the Ad Gentes Center and at the Generalate and during the visits made in Rome on the Workshop for SVD Lay Partners; I was very well received, felt safe, cared for, and reaffirmed my sense of belonging and affection towards this great SVD family. I am grateful for such a rewarding and fruitful experience. Blanca Gomez da Silva (Argentina)