

Nurturing Spirituality, Fostering Collaboration, and Preparing for the 19th General Chapter

Conversation with Father Paulus Budi Kleden

Setting the stage for the 19th General Chapter 

The road to the 19th General Chapter of the Society of the Divine Word has been filled with a strong focus on growing spiritually, working together, and getting ready carefully. It is like the Indonesian saying “Berusaha adalah doa yang tak terucap” (Effort is an unspoken prayer) which means the work we put in is like a silent prayer for the Chapter to go well and for everyone to stay united.

Under the guidance of Superior General Paulus Budi Kleden, the General Administration has embarked on a multifaceted approach to ensure that the Chapter addresses critical issues, fosters collaboration, and sets a transformative course for the Society’s future.

Nurturing spiritual animation: The Foundation of our mission 

At the heart of Father Budi’s vision for the Society lies a deep commitment to nurturing spiritual animation. He identifies certain foundational aspects within the Society, often called “nuts and bolts,” which profoundly influence its future trajectory. Central to this is recogni

zing that spiritual vitality is essential for effectively carrying out the Society’s mission.

Father Budi underscores the importance of being spiritually rooted in the Word, as it shapes our perception, interaction, and response to the world around us. He warns against the dangers of spiritual neglect, highlighting instances where the pursuit of work and commitments has overshadowed the need for spiritual activism. Drawing from the wisdom of past General Visitations, Father Budi emphasizes the urgency of addressing this issue before it undermines the Society’s mission.

Prioritizing initial formation: Investing in future missionaries

Another critical area of focus is the quality of initial formation within the Society. Father Budi emphasizes the principle of reciprocity, recognizing that the investment in candidates’ formation directly impacts the Society’s future. He calls for a collective commitment to ensuring that candidates undergo comprehensive and holistic formation guided by well-trained formators dedicated to their vocation.

This investment in the formation of future missionaries is essential for sustaining the Society’s mission and ensuring its relevance in a rapidly changing world.

Strengthening collaboration with Lay partners: Embracing synodality 

We are concerned about how we are collaborating with our lay partners who help us with our mission. In the past six years, we have welcomed many lay partners from different places. They are involved in various activities with SVD directors. Now, we need to think about how to include these lay partners more in our community and what we do.

Father Budi reminds us of the importance of understanding key actions like deciding what needs to be done, assigning tasks, and making sure they are completed when we collaborate. But do we only see our lay partners as people who carry out the decisions we make?

Our community believes in working together, and this belief should guide us in involving our lay partners. We value sharing the responsibility for our mission with them, as they are also called to be missionaries through baptism. We need to accept them as partners and support their development in fulfilling their missionary calling. As baptized individuals, we journey and work together. Working together means walking together. Our lay partners are not just an additional part of our community; they are an integral part of who we are.

Father Budi advocates for a synodal approach that embraces the diversity of gifts and perspectives within the Society, recognizing lay partners as integral to its identity and mission. By fostering a culture of genuine acceptance and collaboration, the Society can harness its members’ collective wisdom and resources for the greater good.

Chapter preparations and unity: Guiding principles for collective action

As the 19th General Chapter approaches, Father Budi underscores the importance of thorough preparations and active participation from all members of the Society. He likens the role of Capitulars to sailors guiding a ship, emphasizing the need for open-mindedness and spiritual attunement. He trusts in the diverse roles of the Capitulars, who will not only represent their PRMs’ interests but prioritize the Society’s future as a whole.

While the General Chapter is often associated with the election of new leadership, Father Budi emphasizes its broader significance in shaping the Society’s life and mission for the next six years. He calls upon all members of the Society, including lay partners, to actively engage in prayerful support. Through collective action and unity of purpose, the General Chapter can chart a course that reflects the Society’s values and aspirations.

A call to prayer: Seeking divine guidance

In the spirit of prayerful preparation, Father Budi encourages communal prayers and Mass offerings for the intention of the General Chapter. He emphasizes the significance of seeking divine guidance as the Society approaches this milestone, drawing inspiration from the example of Arnold Janssen and the founding generation, who sought divine guidance during deliberation and decision-making. By entrusting the General Chapter to the providence of God, the Society reaffirms its faith in His guidance and wisdom.

Assurance of unity: Commitment to comprehensive coverage

In conclusion, Father Budi assures the members of the Society that the General Administration and staff are fully committed to ensuring the success and unity of the 19th General Chapter. He pledges untiring efforts to address all pertinent issues and facilitate constructive dialogue to chart a course that reflects the collective aspirations and values of the Society.

As the Society prepares to embark on this transformative journey, Father Budi’s words remind us of the power of collective action, prayerful discernment, and firm commitment to the Society’s mission.

Arnoldus Nota
Based on a conversation with Father Paulus Budi Kleden