
Of The Divine Word

Annual National Assembly strengthens bonds and vision for SVD Brothers

El Salvador Resort, Danao Cebu – April 11-12, 2024 – The Annual National Assembly of SVD Brothers in the Philippines convened with a focus on reflection, fellowship, and a shared commitment to the community’s future.

The assembly commenced with a reflection session led by Bro—Yosep Undung SVD, offering all attendees a time of introspection and spiritual renewal. Following a nourishing lunch break, the gathering resumed with a comprehensive report from Bro. Hubertus Guru SVD, ASPAC Coordinator for Brother Affairs, shedding light on regional developments and initiatives.

Continuing the program, Bro. Roland Pontevedra, SVD, National Director for Brothers on Formation, presented insights and updates crucial to the ongoing development and formation of brothers within the Philippines. The day’s proceedings concluded at 5 pm, with unity and purpose among participants.

As evening descended, the assembly transitioned into a spirited Fellowship and Cocktail event, fostering camaraderie and strengthening the bonds of brotherhood. Amid laughter and shared stories, attendees reaffirmed their commitment to supporting one another in their vocation.

Looking ahead, participants expressed hopes for the continued growth and vitality of the SVD Brothers community in the Philippines, eagerly anticipating an influx of new vocations to enrich their shared mission further. The Annual National Assembly served as a platform for reflection, collaboration and a testament to the enduring spirit of solidarity and purpose that defines the SVD Brothers in the Philippines.

From the report of Bro. Roland Pontevedra SVD

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