

New Praeses at Centro Ad Gentes

Seraphin Kpakpayi SVD

The General Council, convened on January 5, 2024, announces the appointment of Father Seraphin Kpakpayi SVD as the new Praeses of Centro Ad Gentes. His term is effective from February 1, 2024, to April 30, 2026. Accompanying Father Seraphin on the House Council are Father Thomas Heck SVD, appointed as Vice Praeses, and Father Kulandaisamy Soosai SVD, who assumes the role of Admonitor.

Hailing from Bassar, Togo, Father Seraphin, ordained in 2004, brings a wealth of experience from his service in the Togo Benin province, where he held positions such as Mission Secretary, Formator, and Vocation Promoter. He served two consecutive terms as Provincial Superior from 2017 to 2023. He succeeds Father Jose Antonio Gomez SVD, who will soon return to his province of origin in Mexico. We warmly welcome Father Seraphin as he takes on this role.

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