
Of The Divine Word

Centro Ad Gentes, Nemi

Inaugural Liturgy

The inauguration ceremony began with the tolling of the bells, gathering members from various zones, the Generalate, SVD Roman communities, SSpS sisters, and guests. At the Centro Ad Gentes’ central entrance plaza, Father Superior General Paulus Budi Kleden performed the Christological Annunciation of the Light from Light and formally opened the 19th General Chapter. He declared: “I hereby inaugurate a new pilgrimage towards the source of Light and the communal entry into these holy four weeks.”

The AFRAM zone, in a deeply solemn and significant act, led a penitential procession with the paschal candle, a powerful symbol of Jesus’ triumphal entry. This profound procession was followed by three penitential prayer and commitment stations, each led by the ASPAC, PANAM, and EUROPA Zones, inviting us all to deeply reflect and recommit to our shared mission.

As the congregation entered the main chapel to continue the inaugural liturgy and mass, the four zonal coordinators invited their members to proclaim, “Stay with us, for it is nearly evening, and the day is almost over.” This proclamation, echoing the disciples’ plea to Jesus to stay with them, signifies our continuous need for divine guidance and presence. The joyous singing of Gloria accompanied the lighting of the tree of light of the 19th General Chapter.

The inaugural mass continued with the liturgy of the Word and a homily by Father Superior General. He expressed, “May this General Chapter inspire and renew our Society, enriching the Church and the world. Like a mustard seed growing into a towering tree, let us nurture trust, courage, and humility, becoming faithful guardians of the mission entrusted to us by our Founder, Saint Arnold Janssen.”

The Eucharist celebration set the stage for shaping the Society’s future over the next six years.

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