
Of The Divine Word

Centro Ad Gentes, Nemi

Secretaries and Coordinators Chart Path with Vision and a Call to Action

As the Chapter participants commence their second week, they engage in an inspiring, up-close encounter with the generalate administration’s Secretaries and General Coordinators (SGCs). This meeting aims to reflect on the past six years’ progress and share a visionary outlook on the SVD reality from the SGCs’ perspective.

The SGCs, in their respective groups, presented their reports with Peter Dusicka leading the discussion on Spiritual Animation, Carlos Ferrada on JPIC, and Stanislaus Lazar on Mission Animation. Following a lively and inclusive discussion, where all questions and clarifications were thoroughly addressed, the second group of presenters took the floor. This group, consisting of Wojciech Szypula on the Biblical Apostolate, Modeste Munimi on Communications, Pushpa Anbu on Formation and Education, and Douglas Simonetti on Brothers’ Formation, also responded comprehensively to the feedback and queries from the attendees, ensuring their voices were heard and appreciated.

The participants, divided into basic groups, delved into the work done in these areas, appreciating the efforts and discussing ways to enhance development across the entire Congregation. This process embodies the synodal spirit of co-responsibility and co-creation, animated by the SGCs. Together, they explore concerns, dreams, and future aspirations.

Eduardo Santiago (JPN) ‘s heartfelt homily, honoring Saint John the Baptist on his birth, highlighted three key aspects: celebrate, treasure, share, and witness. These principles resonate with the ongoing work and progress in our areas of life and mission. This is a call to celebrate our mission, treasure it, and share and witness it with others.

This Monday marked a profound journey into the SVD reality, covering spirituality, JPIC, mission animation, the Bible Apostolate, communication, formation and education, and brothers’ formation. Reflecting on these areas, we align with Santiago’s message of gratitude, valuing what we have and bearing witness to our shared mission.

Highlights of the first week of the 19th General Chapter
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