
Of The Divine Word

Characteristic Dimensions of SVD Missionary Response

Our characteristic dimensions invite us to deepen our experience of the Divine Word in multiple ways.

In seeking to deepen our self-understanding, we have come to recognise some “characteristic dimensions” of our missionary life and service. We use the term “characteristic dimensions” to speak of those elements in our call that can be likened to family traits. At different times these matters have been variously referred to as “priorities,” “areas,” and more recently “essential dimensions.” Our widening experience of and deepening reflection on these concerns has prompted the changes in terminology.

The characteristic dimensions are not the preserve of specialists, but the mark of every SVD. While it is certainly true that each of the dimensions can be given expression in one or more specialized ministries (Bible Centre, communications ministry, etc.), they are just as truly “characteristic” for other SVDs. Whether confreres work in a parish, school, or specific apostolate, whether they are administrators or students, whether they are at the beginning of a life of missionary service or near its end, their life and work ought to bear the marks of the Biblical, Animating, Prophetic and Communicating Word.

Finally, the characteristic dimensions are not only for our apostolic service. While they certainly are gifts we want to share in all of our activities, they are at least as important for our own community life. Precisely as Divine Word Missionaries we seek to share the Bible together, to animate one another, to be just and at peace with one another, and to communicate with one another in fraternal love.