

This month, in the Arnoldus Nota newsletter, we present an issue that falls within the theme of the 19th General Chapter,”Let Your Light Shine: Faithful and Creative Disciples in a Wounded World.” As missionaries, we embody this theme, which captures the essence of our mission as disciples of Christ: to be bearers of light in a world marked by brokenness and suffering.

As we face the challenges and triumphs of our missionary work, we find a profound relationship with the journey of the Paschal Mystery. Rooted in the story of Jesus Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection, the Paschal Mystery offers us a guiding map to understand the complexities of our mission.

In this issue, each piece of news and every event resonates with the essence of the Paschal Mystery. From the Way of the Cross staged in Mozambique and Uganda to the fight for the environment in Brazil to protect the common home against the construction of dams, each story reflects the suffering, hope, and renewal present in the journey of the Cross and Christ’s resurrection.

You can read the April 2024 issue of Arnoldus Nota in PDF form for more details. You can also explore the missions and stay updated with our Video News. It is an exciting journey!


Editor Arnoldus Nota and the Generalate Media Department