
Of The Divine Word

Spiritual Animation

Living out our spirituality based on the spirituality of our Founder Saint Arnold Janssen has always been an important part of our religious and missionary vocation. Pope Francis said that this is “not an abstract spirituality but are roots that give life, for which they must be cared for and loved.”

As members of the Society of the Divine Word, we draw inspiration from the Word of God and the spirituality of our Founding Generation. We also rely on the intercession of saints and blessed of our Arnoldus Family. At the same time, we try to deepen our spirituality by listening to the Spirit and ongoing discernment to sustain and nourish our personal and community life and give meaning to our mission. Our spirituality is not just devotional but a way to rekindle oneself to grow in union with Jesus, the Incarnate Word of God, and at the same time come closer to the people and the world.

Therefore, under spiritual animation, we understand the promotion of our Trinitarian, missionary, and incarnational spirituality, which should provide constant inspiration and nourishment for our spiritual life and strengthen our commitment to our mission. 

“The joy of the Gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus.” These words of Pope Francis from Evangelii Gaudium resonate with the statement of the 18th General Chapter: “This calls us to share in the paschal mystery of Jesus and leads us to renew and transform ourselves and others, thus becoming more joyful missionaries.” The Chapter emphasizes that joy, a fruit of the Holy Spirit, should be visible in our lives. This joy is achieved by experiencing God’s love, being rooted in the Word and being committed to mission. Our renewal continues because the love of Christ impels us to be rooted in the Word and committed to his mission.

The Arnoldus Family Story

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“May the Holy Triune God live in our hearts” is the motto of the three congregations founded by Arnold Janssen, collectively known as the Arnoldus Family. This website offers resources for the spiritual animation and formation of these congregations. Non-members, particularly mission partners, are also welcome. The site includes archives, historical materials, books, articles, and contemporary reflections on Arnoldus spirituality.