
Of The Divine Word

Centro Ad Gentes, Nemi

An Insightful Call for Spiritual Renewal and Missionary Collaboration

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Romans 12:2 

Following the previous night’s intercultural festivities, Chapter participants began a day dedicated to listening, reflection, and sharing. The day opened with personal insights from Father Superior General Paulus Budi Kleden. Unlike his earlier address based on Generalate assessments, today’s talk was rooted in his own reflections and observations from the nearly two-week Chapter proceedings.

Father Budi highlighted key focus areas for the Society of the Divine Word. He emphasized the need for a deep spiritual foundation, which is crucial for staying faithful and creative in a world that requires healing. He also stressed the importance of vocation promotion, along with initial and ongoing formation, highlighting the necessity for dedicated formators. Programs, he argued, should challenge candidates and instill a spirit of sacrifice and generosity. Additionally, he encouraged lay partners to share the missionary spirit and urged confreres to view collaboration as an essential aspect of their mission.

Regarding mission priorities, Father Budi reiterated the importance of engaging with the poor, supporting the young and the elderly, addressing ecological concerns, and focusing on migrants and refugees. He also highlighted Europe’s evolving Church situation as a real mission that requires attention and creative response.

As the SVD approaches its 150th anniversary, Father Budi acknowledged the Society’s achievements and emphasized the need to recognize past failures and seek forgiveness and healing for victims. He celebrated the commitment of SVD members who embody the true essence of their mission.

Expressing gratitude for his role as a General Councilor and Superior General, Father Budi shared his joy in getting to know the Society and its members better. His talk underscored the importance of spiritual depth, effective formation, collaborative mission efforts, and a commitment to healing and transparency within the Society of the Divine Word.

Following this thought-provoking reflection, the Capitulars were invited to spend time in prayer and contemplation. During their Emmaus walk, each Capitular shared with their triad partners their responses to the world’s needs, their predominant feelings, and what they believed the Lord was conveying through these sentiments.

The day concluded with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, organized by the AFRAM Zone. The service, presided over by Andrzej Marek Dzida (SSD-Uganda), honored St. Charles Lwanga, his companions (Ugandan martyrs). The liturgical celebration was enriched with African cultural rhythms of worship.

The Chapter participants retired earlier than usual, eager to prepare for the highly anticipated Papal Audience the following day. They set their alarms for an early departure at 6:00 AM, ensuring they would be ready for this significant event.

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