
Of The Divine Word

Centro Ad Gentes, Nemi

Did not our hearts burn within us, while he talked with us…

After celebrating the Eucharist in basic groups, the Chapter participants, united in their shared purpose, had a photo op wearing the official logoed T-shirt of the 19th General Chapter. Entering the plenary hall invested with this official T-shirt signaled a momentous occasion of what was to come, the report of Superior General Father Paulus Budi Kleden.

The Superior General, reflecting on the transformative journey six years ago since the 18th General Chapter, emphasized spiritual renewal, formation, and collaboration with lay partners. He shared about servant leadership principles, navigating challenges in decision-making, and trust-building while promoting intercultural competence. He reminded us to prioritize ongoing religious formation and responsible financial stewardship, integrating justice, peace, and integrity of creation into our missionary endeavors.

Addressing a world scarred by COVID-19, abuse cases, and internal conflicts, the Society commits to faithful and innovative discipleship, preparing to mark the Society’s 150th anniversary with a vision of inclusivity and resilience, guided by principles of memory, attentiveness, courage, and trust.

This journey of six years is a task to inform about wherein words are not enough to contain and describe what a journey it was entirely. The history of the Society is in the spirit of synodality, and we are looking forward to this journey and looking ahead to the next six years.

The half-day event ended with an open forum wherein the participants fielded questions after a discussion ensued in their basic groups regarding the relationship between the General Administration and the SVD membership worldwide. It was evident that there was a mutual appreciation for authentic care of confreres on the part of the General Administration and an openness to share information and to put to the fore concerns of PRMs to the Superior General and his Council. During the discussions, the Council members gave their take on issues like formation, community life, and finances.

The event was punctuated by Father General’s remarks on his recent nomination as Archbishop of Ende and the realization of how important this family belongingness is for him, which the plenum reacted with a heartfelt applause.

Perhaps it is an excellent note to describe today’s event by recalling the words of the two disciples of Emmaus: “And they said one to another, Did not our hearts burn within us, while he talked with us by the way…”

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