
Of The Divine Word

Embracing Compassion and Prophetic Witness:

Reflection on the 19th General Chapter of the Society of the Divine Word

In a world fraught with turmoil and woundedness, the call for compassion and prophetic witness resounds more than ever. The 19th General Chapter of the Society of the Divine Word, under the theme «Your Light Must Shine Before Others: Faithful and Creative Disciples in a Wounded World,» resonates profoundly in its urgency and relevance. As missionaries entrusted with spreading love, care, and understanding across diverse cultures and traditions, we are called upon to be beacons of light, illuminating the darkness with our daily actions and embodying compassion in all we do.

At the heart of our mission lies the imperative to emulate the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose life epitomized love, empathy, and solidarity with the marginalized and oppressed. Just as Christ’s light pierced through the darkness of his time, in the same way, our light must shine brightly amidst the challenges of today’s world, such as corruption, indifferences, rejection of others, and envy of power. This entails offering material assistance to those in need and extending a compassionate ear, a comforting presence, and a genuine respect for the dignity of every individual.

As missionaries, we are privileged to witness a rich human diversity encompassing different cultures, traditions, and beliefs. Our mandate is not to impose our worldview, culture, or vision onto others but to embrace the beauty of difference and engage in authentic dialogue that fosters mutual understanding and respect. This requires humility, openness, and a willingness to learn from those whose perspectives may differ from our own.

Moreover, our commitment to being prophetic witnesses demands speaking truth to power and challenging the structures of injustice where we are working and inequality that perpetuate suffering in our world. This means standing in solidarity with the marginalized, advocating for their rights, and actively working towards systemic change. It requires courage, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to justice, even in adversity.

The 19th General Chapter calls us to embody the very essence of our vocation as missionaries of the Society of the Divine Word. It challenges us to go beyond mere words and profess our faith through concrete actions that reflect the transformative power of love and compassion. It awakens us to be the light that dispels darkness, the voice that speaks for the voiceless, and the hands that lift the downtrodden.

In a world marked with division, conflict, and despair, may we, as the Society of the Divine Word missionaries, rise to the occasion and heed the call to be faithful and creative disciples. Let us strive to be vessels of God’s love, channels of His mercy, and instruments of His peace. May our light shine ever brighter, illuminating the path toward a more just, compassionate, and inclusive world for all.

By Boloko Jean Paul, SVD.
CFC – Nairobi