
Of The Divine Word

Centro Ad Gentes, Nemi

Historic Encounter with Pope Francis Energizes Chapter Participants

June 28 was a day of great anticipation and excitement for the Chapter participants, as it marked their significant meeting with Pope Francis. The Centro Ad Gentes was abuzz with activity earlier than usual, providing early breakfasts to accommodate the participants’ 6:00 AM departure. Despite the early start, the participants carried a joyful spirit and a wealth of expectations to hear Pope Francis’s message and receive his blessing.

Amidst the bustling crowds at Saint Peter’s Square, Chapter participants and some Collegio community members were distinguishable by their name tags. The Capitulars and guests navigated security and climbed several flights of stairs to reach the historic Clementine Hall, the venue for the audience with Pope Francis.

Key positions for a closer view of the Pope were secured for the General Council, officials of the Generalate, lay partners, generalate coordinators and secretaries, and zonal coordinators. Superior General Paulus Budi Kleden took a seat at the left corner. Around 170 attendees were present for this milestone event. While waiting for the Pope, the attendees observed various bishops and Vatican officials, including Cardinal Tagle, exchanging greetings with Budi.

As ushers distributed copies of the Pope’s speech and photographers took their places, anticipation grew. Pope Francis entered, aided by a cane, and walked slowly to the papal chair, receiving applause from the assembly. He began his address in Italian, his voice at times soft and challenging to hear, yet his message resonated deeply. He often diverged from his text to add personal remarks.

Highlights of Pope Francis’s message included:

  • “Since you are the Society of the Divine Word, in these days (General Chapter), you are returning to the source of your identity: the Lord Jesus.”
  • “Experiencing the love of the Trinity and keeping alive the flame of the Spirit is vital to our growth as missionary disciples and religious.”
  • “Creative missionary activities are born of love for the Word of God, and creativity is born of contemplation and discernment.”
  • “Peace is the cry rising from the world’s peoples; let us listen to this plea and become peacemakers.”
  • “To be prophets of hope for every culture. This means that before giving hope, we need to be hope, exercising the prophetic character that derives from our baptism.”
  • “To be missionaries of solidarity. I encourage you to promote synodality in every aspect. May every community grow and enjoy a synodal style whereby each member feels listened to and accepted.”

Following the Pope’s message, Superior General Budi Kleden extended an official greeting. The ensuing conversation was engaging, and gifts were handed to the Pope. Among the gifts was a publication highlighting various initiatives in response to the Laudato Si Action Platform from the four zones, accompanied by the Superior General’s message to Pope Francis. The Pope also received the Chapter’s name tag, prompting a rousing applause from the assembly.

The event concluded with the assembly members approaching Pope Francis to shake his hand, receive his blessing, and accept a rosary. The participants’ eagerness and emotion were palpable, with some bringing gifts and engaging in brief conversations with the Pope. The encounter ended with an official photo session with the Chapter participants and other guests.

As the participants returned to the Collegio, they were greeted with the official news from the Vatican: “Pope to Verbites: Be peacemakers and prophets of hope.” This encounter with Pope Francis not only fulfilled the participants’ desire to meet him and receive his blessing but also instilled a profound and renewed commitment to embody his call to be peacemakers, prophets of hope, and missionaries of solidarity.

A heartfelt note of gratitude and deep appreciation goes to Procurator General Peter Dikos, who meticulously planned, prepared, and organized this important event for months. His dedication and hard work made this significant meeting with Pope Francis possible. For all that you have done, grazie mille!

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