
Of The Divine Word

Centro Ad Gentes, Nemi

Lay Partners Take Center Stage at SVD Chapter

In a significant turn of events on June 26, the spotlight shifted to Thandi Mazibuko, Leonardus Rade, Davide Augusto Marques Duarte, and Blanca de Duarte. These esteemed lay partners from South Africa (AFRAM), Indonesia (ASPAC), Portugal (EUROPA), and Paraguay (PANAM), respectively, have been active participants in the 19th General Chapter since its inception. Engaging in discussions and basic group sharing, they have delved deeply into the SVD reality.

Today, however, marked a special day—not for them, but for the rest of the Capitulars. The lay partners were no longer mere invited observers; they emerged as integral members of the SVD Family. They shared insights into their programs, activities, challenges, and unwavering quest for deeper integration into the SVD spirituality and mission. Their collective message was clear: “This is who we are; we are passionate about the mission.”

Their stories highlighted an impressive array of activities aligned with the core principles of the SVD mission—being present where they are most needed. Each lay partner recounted how they balanced family life and work while fulfilling their roles as SVD lay partners, feeling honored to be part of the SVD Family.

The interaction with the Capitulars was profoundly moving, underscoring the immense appreciation for the lay partners’ contributions. The Capitulars were deeply impacted by the presence of the lay partners, with one Capitular rephrasing a statement from a lay partner, emphasizing the reciprocal nature of education and formation between the SVD and lay partners. The sentiment resonated widely, with many Capitulars acknowledging the new mission paths illuminated by the lay partners’ presence.

The afternoon was dedicated to basic group discussions and a plenum promoting SVD lay partners and enhancing collaboration. Inspired by the Second International Workshop held in Nemi in February, a significant proposal to establish an initial structure for lay partners was discussed.

The evening culminated in an Intercultural Night hosted by the EUROPA Zone. The breezy night was filled with German, Austrian, Irish, and Dutch songs, complemented by an original SVD song. Members of the Zone shared local whiskies, traditional drinks, and sweets with everyone.

The night concluded with a special moment recognizing Father Paulus Budi for his dedicated service to the Congregation.

This celebration highlighted the diversity and unity within the SVD Family, which includes their cherished lay partners. The event made everyone feel included and part of a larger, inclusive whole.

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