

Appointment of Editor in Chief of Arnoldus Nota

On May 24, 2024, Father Superior General Paulus Budi Kleden and his Council appointed Fr. Luis Antonio Vergara as editor-in-chief of Arnoldus Nota, effective July 1, 2024.

Luis Antonio Vergara, SVD

Fr. Luis Antonio Vergara is originally from Tonosí, Panama. After his studies in philosophy in Colombia and theology in England, he was ordained in Guararé, Panama. His first assignment was in New Zealand, where he served for eight years, and then in Melbourne (Australia), where he was rector of Dorish Maru College. After being transferred to CAM, Fr. Luis has held various positions, including District Superior, Regional Superior, JPIC Coordinator, and Communications Coordinator. He has been actively involved in the PANAM Zone, serving as a member of the Executive Committee and, most recently, as Subzone Coordinator of Mesoamerica.

Fr. Luis is a prolific writer and a regular contributor of Bible reflections for the Catholic TV station in Panama City, Radio Hogar, and the newspaper Panorama Catolico.

We extend our best wishes to Fr. Luis as he assumes this significant role.

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