

Becoming more joyful Missionaries

Path of Renewal and Transformation of the 18 General Chapter

As we approach the current sexennium 2018-24, reflecting on the renewal process prompted by the 18th General Chapter 2018 (18GC) is appropriate. This chapter, with the theme: “The love of Christ impels us (2 Cor 5:14), rooted in the Word, committed to his mission”, had as the main aim “to animate all our confreres and communities to engage in the process of spiritual renewal and the transformation of our life and structures, especially our mental frameworks, to address the present challenges of mission and respond to the signs of the times” (18GC #3). At the same time this theme “has been a springboard to mobilize us into rediscovering the spiritual foundations that nourish and sustain our life and mission as individuals, as communities, and as a Society” (18GC #3).

In our attempt to evaluate the spiritual renewal and transformation journey, we may ask some guiding questions: Have we achieved this goal as individuals and communities? To what extent have we engaged ourselves in this transforming process? What are some graces or signs of our renewal and transformation? 

With the help of these questions, we may focus on three already mentioned renewal subjects: individuals, communities, and Society.

On an individual level.
Each confrere can reflect on what happened in his spiritual life and mission engagement regarding renewal and transformation. If one has been open to the promptings of the Spirit, rediscovered the value of daily reading and meditating on the Word of God, and tried to respond to mission challenges with generosity and love, he will surely notice many graces and blessings received. Knowing that transformation commonly occurs gradually and progressively, one may be sure that some fruits may appear only later if this renewal process continues to be nurtured and cultivated by constant drawing from spiritual sources.

On the level of our communities.
Even though the true transformation happens inside a person – in his mental framework and heart – the truth is that external signs always prove this internal change. If such transformation of a person happens, confreres living in the community will notice it and become – after the person himself- beneficiaries of it. The chapter statement indicates one concrete sign of such transformation: we should become “more joyful missionaries” (18GC #52).

As a fruit of the Holy Spirit living in us, joy is undoubtedly a vital sign of renewal, yet not the only one. Faithful participation in the community prayer life, bible sharing, and Eucharist, willingness to forgive and reconcile, building life-giving relationships in intercultural communities, teamwork, hospitality, passion for mission, and reaching out to the poor or less fortunate people are also some other signs that mark a process of maturing and renewal.

During the six-year period of general visitations prompted by the Covid pandemic, not only members of the general council but also other officials from the generalate and some other confreres conducted visits to our communities. These visits revealed noticeable signs in many of our communities, as documented in the visitation reports. Indeed, challenges and wounds are also present in our communities, and denying them would not be suitable. Yet, on the other hand, there is also a willingness to face and deal with them in many cases, which gives us hope.

On the level of our Society, the current general administration spearheaded the renewal process. Inspired by the motto “Faithful to the Word and one with the people” and guided by prayerful discernment, it took various initiatives to animate the whole Society and keep everyone focused on the aim. Let us mention a few concrete actions.

Introducing the practice of bible sharing.
A call to be “rooted in the Word” found its expression in introducing the practice of bible sharing into the agenda of our gatherings. Following the example of the 18GC, this exercise of cultivating an intimate relationship with the Word was conducted in all official meetings, e.g., Caucus meetings, Workshops for new Superiors, and PRM chapters and assemblies.

Establishing the office of generalate coordinator for spiritual animation.
This office was established in 2018 to carry out and coordinate various initiatives and efforts on our journey of renewal and transformation. Among the main achievements of this office could be mentioned two projects: A series of reflections and videos on the 18GC Statement and the “Reflection guide for mutual enrichment in spirituality,” a kind of manual on spirituality and interculturality elaborated together with SSpS and Lay partners.

Creating the Vivat Deus website on spirituality.
The website is a joint venture of the SVD, SSpS, and SSpSAP, launched in 2020. Its primary purpose is to provide the members of these congregations with resource materials for spiritual animation and formation. The website also provides a platform for contemporary reflections on the Arnoldus spirituality and organizes monthly Zoom webinars on our spirituality. Yet, we must admit that even though this digital medium for promoting our spirituality started in 2020, some still need to benefit from it.

Reshaping the structure of spiritual animation.
The former Arnold Janssen Spirituality Center, existing since 1990 and animating members of the Arnoldus Family (SVD, SSpS, SSpSAP, and Lay partners), was reopened in 2021 under a new name: Arnold Janssen Spirituality Network (AJSN) to better respond to new developments and challenges. Besides its core team (2 SVDs and 2 SSpS), the AJSN has an extended team representing each zone. Currently, a process of establishing local teams for spiritual animation is underway. A promising sign of renewal is also of interest to many young believers in Arnoldus’ spirituality.

Animating during the pandemic.
As a Congregation, we, too, were not spared from the carnage of COVID-19. Our missionary commitment was urgently needed during this pandemic, causing much uncertainty and suffering. Two things are worthy of mentioning in this regard. Firstly, Father Superior General and the leadership team accompanied the whole Society with letters and messages and offered to the confreres his support and prayers, and at the same time encouraged them to reach out. Let us recall one of the messages: “I thank all of you, dear confreres, for your faith-filled attitude of support and gestures of solidarity in your respective places of work… In this crisis, when many people feel discouraged, frightened, and confused about talking about God and witnessing his love for the world, we say: “Here am I, Lord, send me.”

Secondly, witnessing our colleagues who wasted no time finding ways and means to respond to the situation was extraordinary. It happened that one Baptist pastor (sic!) who joined a team of our confreres was so impressed by their commitment and closeness to people that he wrote an article in the local newspaper, full of praise and admiration.

Participating in the Universal Church’s projects
like the Laudato Si Action Platform and the Synod on Synodality. Each religious congregation is invited to participate in the life and mission of the universal Church and enrich it by its specific charism. Therefore, our Congregation joined these Church initiatives as its concrete response to the love of Christ, which impels us to respond to the cries of the earth, reach out, and walk together in carrying out our mission.

These initiatives and many others are signs of a creative response by the current general administration to fulfill the call for renewal and transformation of the 18GC.

Thus, if we go back to the question: “Have we achieved the goal of the 18 GC?” we may say: Yes, to some extent. We know the truth in the Latin saying: “Ecclesia semper reformanda est– the Church is always in need of reform.” This is also valid for each religious congregation. Our Constitutions express this idea clearly: “All should be aware that both our life and our vocation aim at constant growth and maturity. We never reach the goal, but we are always on the way” (c. 523). Let us, therefore, consider the theme of the upcoming 19th General Chapter, “Your light must shine before others’ (Mt 5:16): faithful and creative disciples in a wounded world” as a next step in our constant effort for renewal and pray with confidence that “He who began a good work in us will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (cf. Phil 1:6).

Father Paulus Budi Kleden and the Leadership Team