


Second Preparatory Commission

The Second Preparatory Commission for the 19th General Chapter has completed its task and submitted a Working Paper to the General Council. They worked coherently from 15 to 22 April at the Generalate. There were ten persons, two from each Zone and two from the generalate. Based on the earlier review, the commission members had a virtual meeting on the Zoom Platform to get to know one another before they came to Rome for their task.

The expectations and some basic information were shared during this meeting. Interpersonal relationships are essential for any good teamwork; thus, to build a good understanding among themselves, they had a one-day outing before they began their work. 

During one week of study, reflection, and formulation of the Working Document, they had to go through nearly 80 reports from the PRMs, formation houses, and SVD lay partner groups. Fr. Franz Helm SVD facilitated the group work, collective discussion, and discernment. Finally, the group came out with the Working Paper that was given to the General Council. Amid the wounds in the world, understanding our realities and ministries, the confreres find that there is light, and we can be brighter in the future to dispel the increasing darkness worldwide.

Stanislaus Lazar, Mission Secretary

Other News and Stories from the preparation to the 19th GC