

Sowing Seeds of Creative Missionary Responses in the General Chapter

In just a few days, the members of the 19th General Chapter will convene in Nemi, marking the culmination of a three-year journey. This journey commenced with a collective call to action, as we initiated the chapter process by soliciting input from our Provinces, Regions, and Missions (PRMs), inviting them to articulate their concerns and propose themes for our collective deliberation.

Throughout this process, there has been a concerted effort to engage in deep reflection and discernment, aiming to gain clarity on both the current state of our Society and the direction we aspire to pursue in the future. This endeavor has been characterized by a spirit of inclusivity and collaboration, with voices from across our diverse provinces, regions, missions, and groups of lay partners actively participating in assemblies, consultations, and open dialogues.

As we prepare to gather in Nemi, we are reminded of our shared responsibility to remain vigilant in our reflection, keenly attuned to the unfolding realities both within and around us. It is through this collective discernment that we will navigate the journey ahead, guided by the wisdom and collective vision of our entire community.

General chapter: connecting with the past, paving new ways

The 19th General Chapter is not an isolated event but rather a continuation of a journey. Each successive chapter has built upon the insights and directions laid out by its predecessors, forging a path of renewal and transformation for our life and mission as Divine Word Missionaries.

The 15th General Chapter in 2000 introduced the concept of prophetic dialogue with four preferential dialogue partners, setting a milestone in how we understand and engage in mission. This foundational insight paved the way for subsequent chapters to delve deeper into various aspects of our religious missionary life. The following 16th General Chapter in 2006 saw the necessity to look ad intra, using prophetic dialogue “as a lens to focus some aspects of our life as Divine Word Missionaries”. Five dimensions of our religious missionary life—spirituality, community, leadership, finances, and formation—were identified, providing a framework for self-reflection and growth.

The 17th General Chapter, six years later, further emphasized the importance of interculturality, dedicating itself to reflection on this theme and establishing congregational directions to guide our priorities and actions. This renewed focus on sharing intercultural life and mission underscored the need for a strong spiritual foundation, setting the stage for the theme of the 18th General Chapter. The 18th General Chapter in 2018 called us to foster a process of spiritual rekindling, emphasizing the centrality of the Word of God in our life, vocation, and mission. In this process of renewal and transformation we find ourselves placed in and sent to the world, marked by different wounds. In the spirit of prophetic dialogue, we become more sensitive to the reality of the woundedness and the call to participate in Missio Dei as Missio Lucis. The 19th General Chapter animates us, enlightened by the Lord, to embrace the reality of our vulnerability and live out our discipleship actively and creatively.

With every general chapter we are called to build upon the spiritual foundation laid by our predecessors, and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, seeking new ways to respond to the signs of our time and our place. This underlines the importance of the general chapter, because as declared our Constitutions: “the general chapter in session represents the whole Society and is its highest internal legislative authority” (616).

General Chapter: representation of the whole Society

The general chapter, a significant representation of the whole Society and its interests, is brought to life by the participants from the general administration, the PRM superiors, and delegates from the PRMs, invited Brothers and observers. Equally important are the SVD lay partners and the SSpS Sisters, whose representation further strengthens the bond within our Society.

The composition of the capitulars, a true reflection of our international membership, is a source of pride. These chapter members with voting rights hail from 31 different nationalities, a testament to our global reach. Currently, our members’ countries of birth span an impressive 76. Among the capitulars, we have 9 Brothers, comprising 7.5 % of the total. This mirrors the percentage of Brothers in perpetual vows in the whole Society, standing at 6.8%.

Looking at the age groups of the capitulars, two are in their late ‘70’s; six are 40 and below. The biggest group is those between 41-79. Although we do not represent the confreres in the temporal vows, they are present in this chapter. For the first time, they were invited to reflect on the theme of the chapter, following the two reflection guides. Four formation houses representing four zones are asked to send a short message to the general chapter.

The general chapter is a venue for experiencing the entire Congregation in its diversity. It is crucial to embrace diversity as a strength rather than a challenge. The representation from various nationalities and the inclusion of Brothers underscores our collective identity and enriches our perspectives. It reminds us that our unity amid diversity is a cornerstone of our strength and resilience.

The second aspect of representation concerns the scope of reflection, deliberations, and decisions of the general chapter. Because the chapter represents the whole Society, the consideration of the capitulars should embrace the entire Society. It is the interest of the whole Society that we are promoting; it is the mission of the Society that we aim at. The chapter’s emphasis on considering the interests of the entire Society beyond individual entities signifies a shift toward a holistic approach.

General Chapter as the highest internal administrative authority and a spiritual journey

As for other congregations, our General Chapter holds a significant position as the highest administrative body for the entire Society. It undertakes the crucial task of evaluating the past six years, based on various reports, and charting the course for the next six years. Moreover, it plays a pivotal role in electing confreres to lead, animate, and coordinate the entire congregation, thereby implementing the set directions.

The General Chapter is not just an administrative exercise, but a profound spiritual journey. It is a platform for listening to the experiences and insights of confreres, lay partners, and sisters from diverse locations. Through this collective discernment, we strive to understand and respond to the missionary challenges before us. The General Chapter, with its spiritual essence, serves as a catalyst, reigniting our passion and commitment to our religious missionary life. It calls us to introspect, rekindle our spiritual hunger, and propel ourselves toward a dynamic engagement with our mission, invoking a sense of reverence and devotion in each of us.

As representatives of our Society, the capitulars in the General Chapter hold a significant role. They are not just attendees, but active contributors to the discussions and decisions that shape our future. Their time spent together in Nemi is for attuning themselves to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and deliberating on matters of importance, both individually and collectively. Their role is crucial in shaping the future of our Society, and we trust in their wisdom and discernment. Within this framework of prayerful discernment, the discussions of the General Chapter unfold, situated within the broader context of a synodal process.

After the general chapter, the chapter members are expected not just to share the chapter’s decisions. It is also necessary to impart to others the fraternal spirit experienced during the chapter and try to live it with the confreres. The chapter members are the animators of the PRM to ignite others with the same joy and pride of being members of the Society of the Divine Word and inspire them to continue to be transmitters of the Light that the Lord himself is.

Let us ponder the rich symbolism of the General Chapter, mirroring the cycle of life unfolding before us. Like seeds planted in fertile soil, the themes and aspirations take root in our collective consciousness. Through active participation and deep reflection, these seeds grow into a vibrant vision that guides our journey forward.

In the spirit of our Founder, Saint Arnold Janssen, who fervently sought the guidance of the Holy Spirit during General Chapters, let us also invoke divine wisdom to illuminate our proceedings. Let us heed Saint Arnold’s call to beseech the Holy Spirit to descend upon us, granting clarity, discernment, and unity of purpose in our deliberations.

Paulus Budi Kleden and the Leadership Team

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