
Of The Divine Word

Media education for the Youth

Youth in Depachara Deanery recently participated in a three-day seminar on media education. The event, hosted by Fr. Lawrence Darlong, the diocesan youth coordinator, brought together 182 young participants from six parishes. During the seminar, Fr. Ivan D’Silva SVD, the Diocesan secretary for the Commission of Social Communication, led an informative session on media literacy. Focusing on both the benefits and drawbacks of media consumption, Fr. Ivan encouraged active participation from the youth.

Using practical examples, guest speakers addressed issues like internet safety and the influence of media on youth behavior. Fr. Ivan particularly highlighted the impact of television serials and advertising on young minds, cautioning against negative influences. Moreover, Fr. Ivan emphasized the importance of responsible mobile phone usage, warning against the potential consequences of unhealthy relationships fostered through technology.

In closing, Fr. Ivan stressed the need for continuous media education among youth, advocating for them to educate themselves and share their knowledge with others. The seminar in Karbook parish facilitated meaningful discussions on media literacy and its implications for youth in today’s digital age.

News Bureau, Ambassa

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